Home Ideas Save $300 on a 75″ 4K Smart TV

Save $300 on a 75″ 4K Smart TV

Save $300 on a 75
Holiday 2020Holiday 2020Whether you’re celebrating with your loved ones in person or from a distance, The Inventory staff is dedicated to spreading holiday cheer with the top gifts to ring in the season—and maybe a few good deals to snatch up for yourself. It’s okay, your secret’s safe with us.

TCL 75″ 4K TV | $500 | Best Buy

Way back in the day, my best friend’s parents had one of those TVs that’s roughly the size of the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was always in awe of it as a living room statement piece. My current 42″ TV doesn’t really compare, feeling dinky compared to it. I’ve long waiting for the day when I could have a beast of my own, and today might be the day. Best Buy is selling TCL’s 75″ 4K Smart Android TV for $500. That’s $300 off its usual price, which is big savings for a big screen. It’s not a bad time to upgrade either as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X both support true 4K, making this a suitable option for gaming.

Source: gizmodo.com