Home Jambase Dispatch Releases ‘The Legend Of Connie Hawkins’ & ‘Silent Type’ Singles

Dispatch Releases ‘The Legend Of Connie Hawkins’ & ‘Silent Type’ Singles


Dispatch released two new singles, “The Legend Of Connie Hawkins” and “Silent Type.” The songs represent the end of “Phase 2” in the Boston-based band’s multi-part rollout of a yet to be named 2021 album.

Dispatch released the first single in “Phase 2,” “As Old As I,” in November. “As Old As I” followed “Phase 1” which arrived in October and featured three songs: “May We All,” “All This Time” and “One By One.”

The new single, “The Legend Of Connie Hawkins,” pays tribute to the basketball great and musically tips a cap to rock icons like Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen and more. “Silent Type” is among the more political songs on the album and speaks to the importance of speaking up and taking a stand rather than staying silent.

Listen to both singles, which arrived with animated videos, below:

Connie Hawkins

Silent Type

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Source: JamBase.com