Home Jambase Freekbass Announces Funk House Parties

Freekbass Announces Funk House Parties


Acclaimed bassist Freekbass will perform virtual Funk House Parties via Lively this Thursday, New Year’s Eve as well as on Friday and Saturday nights. Freekbass will spin a DJ set of current and classic funk and will play along to selected tracks.

Each of his private parties are limited to 20 households. Funk House Parties will only be offered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

Read a note from Freekbass detailing what’s in store below:

I’ve been playing on NYE for as long as I can remember, and I am hoping this year will not be different! So, along with help from the amazing platform & folks at LIVELY, I am available to perform and party anywhere in the world virtually at your home or club! I’ve put together an amazing set of Funk of both classics & original tunes, with my bass in hand, to bring in your 2021 in the grooviest way possible.

*Just click HERE to see my available times & additional info, and grab an open spot before it is booked. Up to 20 households can be involved per booking, so we will all be in one big, virtual spot celebrating, dancing, and Funkin’ Together!

Hope to see many of you this Thursday night!!!

Freekbass kept busy during 2020 by releasing singles through Color Red Music and hosting SATURDAY-NITE-ChitChat with Freekbass variety shows each week.

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