Home Jambase Greg Loiacono Shares ‘Seed’ Single & Video

Greg Loiacono Shares ‘Seed’ Single & Video


The Mother HipsGreg Loiacono unveiled a new solo single, “Seed.” The song also arrived with a music video.

Loiacono enlisted Charles James Gonzalez to engineer and mix the track at the Coyote Hearing recording facility in Oakland with mastering from Anthony Puglisi. “Seed” sees contributions on drums and percussion from Patrick Spurgeon with Loiacono handling the rest including vocals, guitar, bass and synthesizer.

Greg detailed the new song in a statement. Read it below:

We don’t have a choice about being born. But we are expected to live certain ways. Parents who create us, school teachers who mold us, societies in general rely on a person to live in particular ways that jibe with cultural norms. And we just get thrown into it without a say and eventually become the ones who distribute the norms.

“Seed” arrived with an accompanying music video directed by Zach Rodell. Watch it below:

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Source: JamBase.com