Home Jambase Greta Van Fleet Announces New Album ‘The Battle At Garden’s Gate’ &...

Greta Van Fleet Announces New Album ‘The Battle At Garden’s Gate’ & Shares Single


Greta Van Fleet will release their sophomore studio album, The Battle At Garden’s Gate, through Lava/Republic Records on April 16, 2021. The quartet previewed the 12-track follow-up to 2018’s Anthem Of The Peaceful Army by unveiling the seven-minute single “Age Of Machine.”

The news of The Battle At Garden’s Gate comes two months after the band issued “My Way, Soon,” another song which will appear on the album. Greta Van Fleet recorded the forthcoming LP with producer Greg Kurstin (Foo Fighters, Paul McCartney) in Los Angeles.

The Battle At Garden’s Gate is informed by the group’s experience traveling the world over the past few years. “Accordingly, Greta Van Fleet poured everything they experienced into these new songs – the music reflects their spiritual and intellectual growth, increased awareness of the inequalities plaguing the modern world, and deep empathy for what other people are going through,” as per press materials.

“We realized that while growing up, we had been shielded by many things, and we were unaware of a lot of things,” explained drummer Danny Wagner. “And then we were thrown out into this huge world, and it was a bit of a culture shock at first. But as we started to travel a lot, meet new and different people and experience different cultures, our definition of ‘normal’ changed.”

“It’s very dynamic, lyrically speaking. And that’s the human experience,” noted frontman Josh Kiszka. “It’s much more than pain or fear; it’s also beauty. People need people, and love is important.”

“There was a lot of self-evolution happening during the writing of this album that was prompted by experiences I had, experiences we all had, so a lot of contemplation occurred,” added Josh. “It’s reflecting a lot of the world that we’ve seen, and I think that it’s reflecting a lot of personal truth. What Josh does very well with the lyrics is telling ancient tales with a contemporary application,” said guitarist Jake Kiszka.

Preview Greta Van Fleet’s The Battle At Garden’s Gate by streaming single “Age Of Machine” below:

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