Home Jambase Up Your Couch Tour Game With A ‘Couch Tomato’ Bellion Vodka ‘Couchtail’...

Up Your Couch Tour Game With A ‘Couch Tomato’ Bellion Vodka ‘Couchtail’ Cocktail


Whether you’re celebrating the holidays out with friends and family or riding them out from the comfort of your couch, JamBase and Bellion Vodka have you covered. The JamBase Livestreams Calendar is up-to-date with the latest live music streams and rebroadcasts, and each week we’re bringing you a custom cocktail that you can drink from your couch.

Bellion’s “Couchtails” are all created by mixologist Rob Altieri (@acasualbeverage on Instagram) and get ready for this week’s thirst quencher: the “Couch Tomato.”

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More Bellion Vodka “Couchtails” on JamBase
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The best thing about this drink? It’s practically guilt-free and can be enjoyed morning, noon, or night! Our friends at Bellion did the world a solid, using breakthrough ingredients to create a healthier vodka. To reduce hangovers and give your liver a break, they distill their spirits with an additive called NTX. It’s been the subject of six academic studies and featured in three peer-reviewed journals. It’s possibly better for you, and definitely not worse. Between better-for-you spirits and the tomato juice, you could (almost) call this a health food!

If you haven’t stocked up yet, fear not! It couldn’t be easier! Get Bellion Vodka delivered straight to your door, with $1 shipping for all orders of two bottles or more through the end of the year. No more store runs at setbreak!

To make the “Couch Tomato,” you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1oz Bellion Vodka
  • 1 can of V-8, chilled
  • Celery Sticks (for garnish)
  • Green Olives (if you fancy them)


Ready for this? You open the tomato juice, take a generous swig … then fill it with vodka. If you feel like going the extra mile, place your thumb over the hole and shake to combine. Garnish with celery, or get straight to drinking. Your call.

Find the real cocktail recipe on Instagram @acasualbeverage.

Source: JamBase.com