Home World Music Watch Courtney Barnett Perform ‘Sunday Roast’ Live At Melbourne’s Royal Exhibition Building

Watch Courtney Barnett Perform ‘Sunday Roast’ Live At Melbourne’s Royal Exhibition Building


Back in November, Courtney Barnett announced a livestream performance titled ‘From Where I’m Standing’, filmed at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, would premiere later this month.

Now, we’ve gotten the first taste of what the concert will look like, with the singer-songwriter sharing a performance of Tell Me How You Really Feel cut ‘Sunday Roast’ live from the Royal Exhibition. The clip was premiered last night on ABC’s live music program The Sound.

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Alongside her regular backing band, it also features cellist Lucy Waldron, making for an altogether stunning rendition of an already great song.

The full performance is set to be livestreamed on Thursday, 17th December from 8pm AEDT. Tickets for the livestream are still available here.

The concert will also be screened at a number of cinemas around the country the same day, such as the Dendy in Newtown, Sydney and Cinema Nova in Melbourne. See the details for that – and watch Barnett perform ‘Sunday Roast’ at the Royal Exhibition Building – below.

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Courtney Barnett ‘From Where I’m Standing’ Australian Cinema Screenings

Thursday, 17th December

Dendy Cinema, Newtown, Sydney

Tickets: Dendy

Dendy Cinema, Canberra Centre, Canberra

Tickets: Dendy

Cinema Nova, Melbourne

Tickets: Cinema Nova

Dendy Cinema, Coorparoo, Brisbane

Tickets: Dendy

Palace Nova, East End, Adelaide

Tickets: Palace Nova

Luna Cinemas, Leederville

Tickets: Luna Cinemas

The post Watch Courtney Barnett Perform ‘Sunday Roast’ Live At Melbourne’s Royal Exhibition Building appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au