Home Jambase Dark Star Orchestra Guitarist Rob Eaton Breaks Wrist

Dark Star Orchestra Guitarist Rob Eaton Breaks Wrist


Dark Star Orchestra guitarist Rob Eaton was recently injured resulting in a broken wrist. A GoFundMe campaign was established to help offset Eaton’s medical costs.

Eaton fractured the radius and ulna bones in his left wrist when he slipped and fell getting out of a swimming pool. In a video message updating his condition (see below), Eaton stated the break resulted in doctors placing “pins,” “screws” and “plates” in his fractured arm. The guitarist also revealed the hospital that administered his care did not accept his health insurance. Donations made to Eaton’s GoFundMe will help pay for his $75,000 in medical expenses.

“I’ve got a long road to recovery,” Eaton said in the video. “The hospital and the doctors didn’t take my insurance. So I’m pleading with the people I know, and the people that know the band, and friends of mine, to maybe help donate whatever you can to help me get through this very difficult time. Got a lot of rehab to go — but I’m going to do everything I can to be 100% by the time I get back out with Dark Star.”

Donate to Eaton’s GoFundMe campaign here.

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Source: JamBase.com