Home Jambase Lord Huron Performs ‘Not Dead Yet’ On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

Lord Huron Performs ‘Not Dead Yet’ On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’


Rockers Lord Huron recently unveiled “Not Dead Yet,” their first new music since 2018. The band delivered the debut television performance of the song on Tuesday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Lord Huron gathered remotely “somewhere deep in the wilderness” to film “Not Dead Yet” for the ABC late night television series. The song was first shared by the group as part of their Alive From Whispering Pines livestream series this past Thursday.

Alive From Whispering Pines consists of four monthly installments. The series began in January and continues on March 18 and April 15. Season passes are on sale via the band’s website and include access to all four episodes.

See Lord Huron’s Jimmy Kimmel Live performance below:

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