Home Jambase Luke The Knife Releases ‘Sau Paulo’ Single & Launches Kickstarter Campaign

Luke The Knife Releases ‘Sau Paulo’ Single & Launches Kickstarter Campaign


Luke the Knife (Luke Miller of Lotus) shared the second single from his forthcoming debut solo album, Disco Nap. “Sau Paulo” arrives today along with an accompanying video.

A Kickstarter campaign for Disco Nap is now underway. Fans can help support the production, distribution and marketing of the nine-track LP by contributing. Rewards include early album downloads, Luke The Knife merch and private, virtual DJ sets.

Luke wrote and produced the Luke The Knife album. Contributors include Cherub, Chalk Dinosaur and Gabe Otto. “It’s been a tough year for musicians who make a living playing live concerts,” explained Miller. “Normally I tour around the country with my band Lotus and do DJ gigs as Luke the Knife. One silver lining with the extra time at home, I could finally write and record the debut album for my solo DJ/producer project.”

“I put this beat together late in making the album,” said Miller of his latest single. “I was deep in the pandemic and searching for something chill and sunny, a little musical vacation from everything.”

Watch Luke The Knife’s “Sau Paulo” video below:

Here’s a “Beats In The Kitchen” clip Miller put together to announce the Kickstarter campaign:

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Source: JamBase.com