Home World Music Taylor Swift Is Countersuing Evermore Theme Park

Taylor Swift Is Countersuing Evermore Theme Park


You may recall that earlier this month, a fantasy theme park in Utah called Evermore filed a lawsuit against Taylor Swift on account of her latest album bearing the title evermore.

The park sought millions of dollars in damages along with legal fees, claiming that they owned the trademark to the term “Evermore” and that Swift’s album resulted in confusion among guests, and a “dramatic” decrease in website traffic. The suit alleged that Swift’s evermore merchandise offered similar products to those of the park, and infringed on their trademark.

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At the time, Swift’s legal team called the park’s claim “frivolous and irresponsible”, saying it has “no basis”. Now, Swift is countersuing the park through TAS Rights Management, the who are responsible for handling the rights to Swift’s music and trademarks.

As Pitchfork reports, TAS are alleging in the countersuit that Evermore Park routinely played Swift’s music on its site “without authorization or license agreement.” The complaint alleges Swift hits like ‘Love Story’, ‘You Belong with Me’ and ‘Bad Blood’ were used during performances for large audiences, and that those performances were specifically marketed as a major attraction.

The suit also claims that on multiple occasions, performance rights organisation BMI contacted Evermore Park regarding its unlicensed use of Swift’s music, and that those attempts to contact the park were ignored.

According to Stereogum, Swift is seeking unspecific damages and legal fees, along with an injunction blocking the park from performing her work.

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Source: musicfeeds.com.au