Home World Music Watch Genesis Owusu Go Full Sex Pistols Rock For His ‘Anarchy In...

Watch Genesis Owusu Go Full Sex Pistols Rock For His ‘Anarchy In The UK’ Like A Version


How goooood — Genesis Owusu has jumped genre ship for this week’s instalment of triple j’s Like A Version. He’s taken on Sex Pistols and their classic ‘Anarchy in the UK’ and he’s brought the energy.

Owusu goes hard for all of the performance. He brings all those classic, 70s rock n roll performance moves and absolutely slays the cover — it’s such a vibe.

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“I felt like the energy of [the song] and the lyrics that I altered really encapsulated what I was feeling all throughout 2020, and prior, and after as well,” said Genesis Owusu in his Behind the Like A Version interview.

“It’s got a solid energy of rage that’s really valid. But I don’t feel like it should fizzle out or just stay as a 2020 Instagram trend.”

Owusu reveals his introduction to the song came from Tony Hawk’s Pro-Skater 4.

He took along an all-star group to help out too. Touch Sensitive is on bass and synth, Kirin J Callinan on guitar, Jonti from Stone’s Throw on rhythm guitar, and Julian Sudek on drums.

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To make it more relevant and more current, Owusu changes the lyrics a bit.

“Still celebrating deaths of my First Nations pals all because of some old fuckers in the Parliament House,” he sings.

Along with the hectic Sex Pistols cover, we got to hear the funky Genesis Owusu original ‘Don’t Need You’.

Catch Owusu’s ‘Anarchy in the UK’ cover, his ‘Don’t Need You’ original, and his Behind the Like A Version interview below.


The post Watch Genesis Owusu Go Full Sex Pistols Rock For His ‘Anarchy In The UK’ Like A Version appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au