Home World Music Watch The Trailer For New Hard-Ons Documentary ‘The Most Australian Band Ever’

Watch The Trailer For New Hard-Ons Documentary ‘The Most Australian Band Ever’


A new documentary about Aussie punk rock legends the Hard-Ons is in the works, with Hard-Ons: The Most Australian Band Ever currently being produced with cooperation from the band.

As The Music reports, production is set to begin shortly on the film, which is expected to arrive sometime in 2022. Jonathan Sequeira is directing the film, having previously worked on documentaries about Radio Birdman and Van Duren.

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“In 1981, three migrant schoolboys from Sydney’s under-privileged western suburbs form a band. They go on to achieve an unprecedented 17 consecutive Number 1s on the alternative music charts, 250,000 album sales and 50,000-strong crowds in Europe,” reads a synopsis of the film.

“Thirty-five years later, The Hard-Ons are still loud, proud, and unapologetically multicultural. But does their brand of brash, bratty pop still resonate? Or, is this band of middle-aged miscreants no longer relevant in contemporary Australia? As they release their 13th studio album and embark on a national tour, we look at the past, present and future of this pioneering band and their ongoing impact on Australian popular culture.”

Though they’ve received some funding from Screen Australia, the filmmakers are also asking for contributions to help finish production. You can donate to the project here via Documentary Australia.

You can watch a trailer for Hard-Ons: The Most Australian Band Ever below.

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The post Watch The Trailer For New Hard-Ons Documentary ‘The Most Australian Band Ever’ appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au