Home Jambase Ben Harper Shares ‘Joshua Tree’ & ‘Inland Empire’ B-Sides Featuring Robert Glasper

Ben Harper Shares ‘Joshua Tree’ & ‘Inland Empire’ B-Sides Featuring Robert Glasper


Ben Harper shared B-Sides of “Joshua Tree” and “Inland Empire” featuring renowned pianist, producer and songwriter Robert Glasper and more. The songs are from the sessions of Harper’s 2020 album, Winter Is For Lovers.

Ben Harper’s Winter Is For Lovers featured the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with just his Monteleone lap steel guitar. But the new versions of “Joshua Tree” and “Inland Empire” boast a full band which included Harper on lap steel and Glasper on piano as well as a rhythm section of Jimmy Paxson and Mike Valerio.

Harper spoke about the B-Sides in a statement. Read his words below:

It is hard to call these B-Sides. They are another iteration of the album that exists and I am very excited we found a way to release these versions. Going into Capitol Studios with Robert, Mike and Jimmy – 3 of my all-time favorite musicians in the world – with Niko Bolas engineering, was off the chain. Music happened between the laughter and the joy. I hope you can hear that in these sessions.

Listen to full-band renditions of “Joshua Tree” and “Inland Empire” below:

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Source: JamBase.com