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Brendan Bayliss Covers Jimi Hendrix, Allman Brothers Band, Bob Dylan & More For ‘Wine Not?’


Brendan Bayliss continued his Wine Not? livestream series on Friday. Bayliss offered up covers from Jimi Hendrix, the Allman Brothers Band, Bob Dylan and more.

Brendan began the stream by saying that his thoughts were with Boulder where a mass shooting took place on Monday and revealed that one of the first shows Umphrey’s McGee sold out outside of South Bend was in Boulder. He kicked off the music by dedicating Jimi Hendrix’s “Bold As Love” and “The Wind Cries Mary” to the Colorado town. Next, Bayliss played UM’s “Until We Meet Again,” which he claimed that Umphrey’s had never played live before although, according to All Things Umphrey’s, the song has been played three times. BB continued with Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bookends,” the Duane Allman-penned ABB instrumental “Little Martha” and the early Bob Dylan rarity “Seven Curses,” which was recorded for Dylan’s 1963 album The Times They Are a-Changin’ but left off and has since appeared on The Bootleg Series Vol. 1-3.

Brendan then returned to Umphrey’s material with “Turn And Run” into “Gulf Stream” before welcoming longtime UM friend and owner of The Store Bar in Chicago, Kevin Kostelecky. Kevin played cajón (a wooden percussive instrument) for Beck’s “Ramshackle.” Kostelecky stayed on for a cover of Pearl Jam’s “Oceans” as well as 30db’s “Get In Line,” dedicated to Brendan’s 30db bandmate Jeff Austin. Bayliss also welcomed his neighbor and Wine Not? veteran T-Bird on harmonica for “Get In Line.” T-Bird then showed off his multi-instrumentalist skills by playing both piano and harmonica on Ryan Adams’ “Lucky Now” and also played guitar and harp on one of his own songs. BB then went it alone on The Beatles’ “Blackbird” before heading over to the piano for Guns N’ Roses’ “November Rain.” T-Bird joined back in on harmonica for another Dylan tune, “The Man In Me,” to close out the stream.

Watch Brendan Bayliss’ entire March 26, 2021 Wine Not? livestream below via the JamBase Live Vieo Archive:


Set: Bold As Love > The Wind Cries Mary, Until We Meet Again, Bookends, Little Martha
Seven Curses, Turn & Run > Gulf Stream, Ramshackle [1], Oceans [1], Get In Line [1][2], Lucky Now [2][4], [Unknown] [2][3], Blackbird, November Rain[5], The Man in Me [2][5]


  • [1] with Kevin Kostelecky on percussion
  • [2] with T-Bird on harmonica
  • [3] with T-Bird guitar
  • [4] with T-Bird on piano
  • [5] with Brendan on piano

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