Home Jambase Lotus Shares ‘Condor’ Single: Exclusive Premiere

Lotus Shares ‘Condor’ Single: Exclusive Premiere


On April 6, Lotus will self-release a new EP entitled Citrus. Each Tuesday this month, the livetronica quintet will unveil a track from Citrus and JamBase is pleased to premiere “Condor” today.

Lotus recorded Citrus at Philadelphia’s Spice House Sound. Citrus comes from the same sessions that produced Free Swim, a 12-track LP released back in August.

Bassist/producer Jesse Miller contrasted Citrus and Free Swim in a statement when the EP was announced. “Citrus is the chill-out session to the Free Swim pool party,” Jesse said. “The music is more downtempo, drawing from 70s space-funk, rock and West African music. We’ve never played these songs live before, but I think they will feel like old favorites.”

“Like the broad-winged bird this song soars in majestic fashion. Grand piano arpeggios create currents of air for the guitar to fly on,” Lotus’ Luke Miller tells JamBase regarding “Condor,” one of seven tracks featured on Citrus. “The drums and bass create a big pocket and a mellotron choir pillows around it. Playing delicately in the middle during an improvisatory stretch the piano reflects beams of sunlight until the guitar catches another updraft to take the song back to the final flight.”

Stream Lotus’ “Condor” below:


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Source: JamBase.com