Home Jambase Lucinda Williams Covers Sharon Van Etten’s ‘Save Yourself’

Lucinda Williams Covers Sharon Van Etten’s ‘Save Yourself’


Acclaimed singer-songwriter Lucinda Williams contributed a cover of Sharon Van Etten‘s “Save Yourself” to epic Ten, a reissue/celebration of Van Etten’s 2010 album, epic. Due on June 11 via Ba Da Bing, epic Ten is a double album consisting of the original LP and a compilation featuring covers of each song on epic.

Big Red Machine, Idles, Shamir, Courtney Barnett, and Fiona Apple also recorded songs from epic for epic Ten. Williams’ “Save Yourself” comes after Van Etten shared Big Red Machine’s take on “A Crime.”

epic represents a crossroads for me as an artist — going from intern to artist at Ba Da Bing, from solo folk singer to playing with a band for the first time and beginning to play shows on tour where people showed up,” explained Van Etten. “I am in awe of the artists who wanted to participate in celebrating my anniversary and reissue, from young inspiring musicians, to artists who took me under their wing, who I met on tour, and to artists I’ve looked up to since I was a teenager. Each one of these artists continue to influence my writing and provide a sense of camaraderie during this new era of sharing music.”

Watch the video for Lucinda Williams’ “Save Yourself” cover below:

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Source: JamBase.com