Home Jambase Matthew E. White & Lonnie Holley Share ‘Broken Mirror, A Selfie Reflection’...

Matthew E. White & Lonnie Holley Share ‘Broken Mirror, A Selfie Reflection’ Title Track


Matthew E. White and Lonnie Holley shared “Broken Mirror, A Selfie Reflection/Composition 9.” The song is off the duo’s collaborative album Broken Mirror, A Selfie Reflection, due out on April 9 via Spacebomb.

Composer and arranger Matthew E. White and visual artist, poet and musician Lonnie Holley announced Broken Mirror, A Selfie Reflection in January. They also shared the record’s lead single, “This Here Jungle of Moderness/Composition 14.” The album features White’s skill as an arranger and Holley’s astute and scathing insights on modern society.

A statement that arrived with the album announcement described the title track:

Holley begins the title track as a character mindlessly staring into a cell phone, captivated by his own image like Narcissus at water’s edge. Holley ponders the egotism of projection over dizzying keyboards and guitars so jagged they conjure fractured glass. By song’s end, he’s mocking this infrastructure of pandering for likes, jeering us all above a savage bassline that dares you to differ.

Listen to “Broken Mirror, A Selfie Reflection” below:

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Source: JamBase.com