Home Jambase Sting Performs ‘Tiny Desk (Home) Concert’

Sting Performs ‘Tiny Desk (Home) Concert’


Famed musician Sting is featured in the latest installment of NPR Music’s Tiny Desk (Home) Concert video series. Sting performed three songs at a lounge in New York City, including one with African pop star Shirazee.

Shirazee recently recorded a version of Sting’s “Englishman In New York” as “African In New York.” The pair collaborated to start the Tiny Desk (Home) Concert with an “Englishman In New York”/”African In New York” mashup. Sting and Shirazee then discuss how happy they are to share a room together after 12 months of lockdown.

For his second song, Sting went solo acoustic for “If I Ever Lose My Faith In You.” Sting is backed by pre-recorded percussion for the take on the track from 1993’s Ten Summoner’s Tales. The former The Police frontman closed out his Tiny Desk (Home) Concert with live rarity “Sister Moon,” a song Sting released on his 1987 solo album, Nothing Like The Sun.

Watch Sting’s Tiny Desk (Home) Concert below via the JamBase Live Video Archive:

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Source: JamBase.com