Home Jambase Rebelution Announces New Album ‘In The Moment’ & Shares Single

Rebelution Announces New Album ‘In The Moment’ & Shares Single


Reggae act Rebelution will issue their seventh studio album, In The Moment, as a joint venture between their own 87 Music imprint and Easy Star Records on June 18. Out today is the In The Moment single “Old School Feeling.”

Rebelution gathered remotely due to the pandemic to record the album from their respective Southern California homes. Touring guitarist Kyle Ahern produced the 15-track effort and helped flesh out the arrangements. “We all worked together with Kyle to bring our individual visions to life,” said frontman Eric Rachmany. “We wanted to make this the most diverse sounding record we could.”

“Whenever I started to write, this notion of time kept coming up over and over again in the lyrics,” explained Rachmany regarding the process that led to In The Moment. “It can feel a little scary how fast everything moves, but you have to just keep reminding yourself to be present and make the most of every moment.”

Contributors include soul singer Durand Jones and Jamaican artists Kabaka Pyramid, Keznamdi and Busy Signal. “Old School Feeling” pays tribute to the reggae bands that laid the path Rebelution has followed.

Check out Rebelution’s “Old School Feeling” lyric video below:

In The Moment Tracklist

  1. Satisfied
  2. Old School Feeling
  3. Heavy As Lead
  4. To Be Younger
  5. Initials
  6. 2020 Vision (feat. Kabaka Pyramid)
  7. All Or Nothing (feat. Busy Signal)
  8. You And I
  9. Adapt, Survive
  10. Future Depends
  11. That Zone (feat. Durand Jones)
  12. Simply Captivating
  13. Places Unknown (feat. Keznamdi)
  14. What Life Is
  15. To Be Younger (Acoustic)

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