Home Jambase Watch Widespread Panic Perform ‘Can’t Get High’ At 25th Anniversary Run In...

Watch Widespread Panic Perform ‘Can’t Get High’ At 25th Anniversary Run In 2011


Widespread Panic continues to roll out pro-shot video from the first two nights of a 2011 run celebrating the band’s 25th anniversary. The latest clip features “Can’t Get High” from Panic’s opening frame at the Classic Center in Athens on February 11, 2011.

February 11, 2011 was the second night of the celebratory run at the Classic Center. Panic concluded the brief excursion a few nights later at Atlanta’s Fox Theater on February 14, 2011.

“Can’t Get High” was written by Daniel Hutchens and Eric Carter of Bloodkin. Widespread Panic debuted the song live on July 9, 1993 during a HORDE tour stop at Trout Aire in Forest Lake, Minneapolis and went on to include a studio version on Ain’t Life Grand the following year. The song has been a staple of WSP’s repertoire ever since with the exception of a few gaps from 1998 – 2003. “Can’t Get High” was played most recently at The Beacon Theatre in New York City on February 28, 2020.

In Athens, “Can’t Get High” came towards the middle of the sextet’s first set on February 11, 2011. Check out how it went down below:

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