Home Jambase Free Radio Releases ‘Well Wishes’ Single: Exclusive Video Premiere

Free Radio Releases ‘Well Wishes’ Single: Exclusive Video Premiere


This Thursday, May 27, Free Radio will issue a new album entitled EARthWORMS via Root Doctor Collective. JamBase is pleased to preview the record by premiering the video for the Asheville-based hip-hop collective’s “Well Wishes (Wishing Well)” single.

Free Radio features longtime members Austn Haynes and Johnny Reynolds along with newcomers Debrissa McKinney and Datrian Johnson. “Well Wishes (Wishing Well)” and “Outer Limits” are two of the eight tracks included on EARthWORMS, an album the band will celebrate with a hometown show at Asheville’s The Orange Peel on Saturday, May 29. Tickets are on sale now via eTix.

“Coming from a ‘hip-hop guy’ it probably sounds funny for me to say how much I love folk music. The way I interpret it, ‘Well Wishes’ is folk music in modern times,” explained Austn Haynes, Warren Haynes‘ nephew. “It’s what happens when you grow up equally on Bob Dylan and Outkast. It pays homage to previous generations while jumping feet first into the new. It’s cosmic Appalachian hip-hop.”

“‘Well Wishes’ drops jewels for the listener’s ear. Navigating through the lure to capitalize isn’t easy and sometimes we need a refresher to see passed possession(s). This track does just that,” added Reynolds. “Free Radio wants the best in life for every being and tries to find clever ways to communicate this message. We know little of what life has in store for us but we do know that it’s time now to move towards a more viable future and a healthier way of thinking. Like the lyrics in the song tell us: ‘The right time is right now, later on is wrong.’”

“This song makes you think of a time that has come and gone, as well as presenting the workings of a new genre. Appalachian hip-hop is now a thing and I’m so glad to be a part of it,” noted McKinney. “To me, ‘Well Wishes’ represents throwing the light into a hole of darkness hoping to create the best from what you wished for. This album drips inspiration and it won’t leave you thirsty,” added Johnson.

The track also features Duane Simpson on lead guitar, Jed Willis on rhythm guitar and drummer Mike Pitts. Watch Free Radio’s “Well Wishes (Wishing Well)” video, which was directed by Ferrari Xavi and produced by Giovani Hidalgo (Killer Mike, Talib Kweli, Red Hot Chili Peppers), below:

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