Home Jambase The Black Keys Share R.L. Burnside Cover ‘Going Down South’

The Black Keys Share R.L. Burnside Cover ‘Going Down South’


The Black Keys shared a cover of R.L. Burnside’s “Going Down South.” The song is set to land on the rockers’ forthcoming tribute album to Mississippi hill country blues, Delta Kream, arriving on May 14 via Nonesuch Records.

The Black Keys — guitarist Dan Auerbach and drummer Patrick Carneyannounced Delta Kream in April and released a cover of Junior Kimbrough’s “Crawling Kingsnake.” The album features a number of songs from both Kimbrough and Burnside, including the newly released “Going Down South” by the latter.

“That was one of R.L. Burnside’s hits!” Auerbach said of “Going Down South” in a statement. “We strayed a little from the original on our version with the falsetto and percussion, but we liked how it sounded in that moment. It’s become one of my favorites on the album.”

“Going Down South” arrived with an accompanying music video. Watch it below:

The Black Keys will perform both “Crawling Kingsnake” and “Going Down South” when they appear on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Friday, May 14.

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Source: JamBase.com