Home Jambase Joe Walsh & Amjad Ali Khan Release ‘Prayers’ EP To Benefit IntraHealth...

Joe Walsh & Amjad Ali Khan Release ‘Prayers’ EP To Benefit IntraHealth International


Legendary guitarist Joe Walsh and renowned classical Sarod virtuoso and composer Amjad Ali Khan joined forces for Prayers, a three-song EP out today via Joe Walsh/Universal Music India. Proceeds from the EP will benefit IntraHealth International, a global health nonprofit that improves the performance of health workers and strengthen the systems in which they work so that everyone everywhere has the health care they need to thrive.

The pair met when Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and Eagles member Joe Walsh took a trip to India. Walsh and Khan performed together at Mumbai’s Taj Mahal Hotel. Joe then invited Amjad and his two sons to visit Los Angeles, where they recorded the music that appears on Prayers at Walsh’s home studio. Prayers also includes contributions from The Police drummer Stewart Copeland, famed session musicians Jim Keltner, Davey Johnstone, Michael Thompson, Nathan East, Joe Vitale and Lee Sklar as well as Khan’s sons, Amaan Ali Bangash and Ayaan Ali Bangash.

Joe, Amjad and the other musicians prepped Prayers during the COVID-19 lockdown. “The more time I spent with this music the clearer it became that these tracks had healing properties and needed to be shared as a gift,” explained Walsh. “So, in honor of all the frontline workers who continue to be of such incredible service and courage to us all during these horribly challenging times, I’m donating my proceeds to IntraHealth International, whose vital work for health care workers around the world aligned perfectly. With our gratitude and with love to them all, please enjoy Prayers.”

“It has been such a pleasure and an honor to work on this album with my dear friend, the legendary Joe Walsh,” noted Amjad Ali Khan. “Across cultures, as artists we can understand and appreciate each other and thereby trying to heal this divided world, and what better way is there to achieve this ideal than through the joy and spiritual nourishment that music brings.”

“We are so thrilled and grateful to Joe and Amjad for their generosity,” added Polly Dunford, president and CEO of IntraHealth International. “Their gift is going to make health workers around the world safer as we battle this pandemic today and build a healthier future for tomorrow.”

Stream Joe Walsh & Amjad Ali Khan’s Prayers EP below:


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