Home Jambase New York City Mayor Taps Clive Davis To Organize Celebratory Central Park...

New York City Mayor Taps Clive Davis To Organize Celebratory Central Park ‘Mega-Concert’


New York City mayor Bill de Blasio aims to celebrate the reopening of New York City after over a year of restrictions put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic with a “mega-concert” in Central Park tentatively scheduled for August 21. de Blasio asked legendary music industry veteran Clive Davis to organize the event and Davis accepted as per the New York Times who broke the news of the “mega-concert.”

Both Clive Davis and the mayor were coy when sharing details regarding the artists performing at the event. Davis did reveal Live Nation will help with production and most tickets will be distributed free of charge with VIP tickets also available. “I was greatly honored,” the Brooklyn-raised Clive Davis said of being asked to put together an event with the working title “The Official NYC Homecoming Concert in Central Park.”

“This concert is going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity,” de Blasio exclaimed to the New York Times. “It’s going to be an amazing lineup. The whole week is going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before in New York City.”

The event will be held on Central Park’s 13-acre The Great Lawn, a site that previously hosted iconic performances from Simon & Garfunkel, Dave Matthews Band, Elton John and more recently the Global Citizen Festival. “I can’t think of a better place than the Great Lawn of Central Park to be the place where you say that New York is reopening,” Davis added.

Davis is planning for “The Official NYC Homecoming Concert in Central Park” to span three hours with a live, in-person audience of 60,000 attendees watching performances from eight “iconic stars.” Rights are being sold for a worldwide television broadcast. Head to the New York Times for more and stay tuned for the official announcement.

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