Home Jambase Billy Strings Donates Guitars To Students At His Old Elementary School

Billy Strings Donates Guitars To Students At His Old Elementary School


Billy Strings used a rare day off from tour today to visit Twin Rivers Elementary School, the public school in Muir, Michigan he attended as a child. The amazing Strings distributed 200 guitars to Twin Rivers students.

“I used to go to this school when I was your age,” Strings told the kids in a ceremony in the schoolyard and shouted out his music teacher, Mrs. Mercer. “I started playing guitar and guitar has always been a really cool friend of mine, even when times were really sad,” the musician born William Apostol added. “I wanted to give you guys some guitars that you could take home with you!”

Strings handed off new guitars personally to each of the students. Billy streamed his visit on Instagram Live. Watch a capture below:

The Grammy-winning artist previously went back to Twin Rivers in 2015, when he performed for students at the school. Strings returns to the stage on Wednesday in Philadelphia.


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Source: JamBase.com