Home Jambase moe. Cancels Most December Tour Dates & Confirms Capitol Theatre Concerts

moe. Cancels Most December Tour Dates & Confirms Capitol Theatre Concerts


moe. canceled the bulk of their December tour dates as guitarist Chuck Garvey recovers from a stroke. The band will enlist special guests to move forward with a two-night stand at The Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, New York on December 10 and 11.

“This venue means a lot to us all and feels like the right place for us to play at this time,” wrote moe. in a note explaining the decision to perform at The Capitol Theatre. “We plan to have some special guests join us throughout the night and hope you can join us.”

Canceled shows include performances originally planned for Brooklyn Bowl in New York City on December 9 and a four-night stand at The Sinclair in Cambridge, Massachusetts December 15 – 18. moe. also axed their appearance at the Holidaze destination event and a two-night New Year’s Run at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas initially scheduled for December 30 and 31.

Chuck Garvey was hospitalized after suffering a stroke on November 6. Today’s announcement from moe. thanked fans for their “continued positive vibes, thoughts and prayers” and added, “They help Chuck get stronger each day.”

Read the full note from moe. below:

After much thought and discussion, we’ve decided to cancel our December appearances while Chuck starts his road to recovery. To that exception, we will still play the shows at The Capitol Theater on Dec. 10th and 11th. This venue means a lot to us all and feels like the right place for us to play at this time. We plan to have some special guests join us throughout the night and hope you can join us. More details to come regarding special merch, fundraising & more to benefit Chuck & his family. Thank you for your continued positive vibes, thoughts and prayers. They help Chuck get stronger each day.

Tickets for moe.’s upcoming Capitol Theatre shows are on sale now via Ticketmaster (December 10, December 11).

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Source: JamBase.com