Home Jambase Rainbow Girls Share ‘Santa Anna’ Single

Rainbow Girls Share ‘Santa Anna’ Single


Rainbow Girls released “Santa Anna,” the latest single from their forthcoming Rolling Dumpster Fire EP. The five-song set arrives independently on December 6.

The Bay Area-based trio features multi-instrumentalists and vocalists Caitlin Gowdey, Erin Chapin and Vanessa May. Rainbow Girls are joined on “Santa Anna” by singer-songwriter Graham Patnzer.

Rolling Dumpster Fire consists of songs Rainbow Girls recorded at their home studio while off the road due to the pandemic. Each tune is embedded with the vast array of emotions that came with being locked down and quarantined including despair and uncertainty. A new song from the EP will be released each Monday. “Santa Anna” follows last week’s lead single, “Free Wine.”

“The first line of the tune came through after hearing a frustrating story about a jerk tossing a cigarette from the window of a car into the brush of a deep California summer,” explained May of the the latest Rolling Dumpster Fire single. “The rest of it came on the heels of a conversation about the increasing severity and frequency of climate disasters. ‘Santa Anna’ is a prayer to the annual hot autumn winds that blow from desert to sea over the ever-parched west.”

Stream Rainbow Girls’ “Santa Anna” below:

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Source: JamBase.com