Home Jambase Umphrey’s McGee Announces Winter Tour 2022

Umphrey’s McGee Announces Winter Tour 2022


Umphrey’s McGee announced details of their 2022 Winter Tour dates. The band confirmed 23 new shows spanning January, February and March.

One of several multi-night runs in the newly announced tour dates, Umphrey’s McGee’s Winter Tour 2022 begins in New York City on January 14 and 15. Sticking in New York, the band heads up to Buffalo on January 20, Syracuse on January 21 and Albany on January 22. From there they move on to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania on January 23, followed by Newport, Kentucky on January 27. Another two-nighter takes place in Detroit on January 28 and 29, ahead of a visit to Cleveland on January 30.

After a few days off, UM gets back to it on February 9 in Philadelphia. The tour continues in New Haven, Connecticut on February 10 in front of a two-show stand in Boston on February 11 and 12. UM travels to Columus, Ohio for a performance on February 17, then to Washington D.C. on February 18, Raleigh on February 19 and Chattanooga, Tennessee on February 20. UM will then return to North Carolina to play two shows in Asheville on February 25 and 26.

A three-night stand at Denver’s Belly Up Tavern will take place March 18, 19 and 20. The band then flies to Reykjavik, Iceland for their Rockjavik destination event.

Tickets to Umphrey’s McGee’s 2022 Winter Tour dates go on sale Friday, November 5 at 12 p.m. ET. Head here for pre-sale and other information.

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Source: JamBase.com