Home Live For Live Music LCD Soundsystem Cancels 3 Remaining Brooklyn Steel Concerts

LCD Soundsystem Cancels 3 Remaining Brooklyn Steel Concerts


LCD Soundsystem will not perform the final three concerts of its 20-show Brooklyn Steel residency, the band announced. The cancellation comes as New York City begins to shut down once again due to the spread of the COVID-19 omicron variant.

“you all have spoken. the last three shows are cancelled. you good people who want to return your tickets and try again another time have spoken, but so has the new info, the hospital capacity, and those of us in the band, crew and venue,” the band wrote in a statement. “we certainly had enough cancellations to make the vote count, but we also, now with all the new info, want to stop for our own sakes. thank you for reaching out about cancelling your tickets. and thank you for getting them in the first place.”

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The last three shows of the residency—set to take place tonight, December 19th, through Tuesday—came after the band began the run back on November 23rd. The cancellations arrived after the band released a lengthy statement ahead of its concert on Saturday. In the note, LCD Soundsystem gave fans a voice in the decision whether or not to return to the stage and in turn also asked attendees to wear masks

“we tried. we really did. we were heartened to see so many more masks at the last show. we were incredibly thankful for everyone who wanted to make it work. but it will have to wait, again, until we find out what this new wave means to us all,” LCD Soundsystem said along with Sunday’s cancellation announcement.

This news comes after MSG Entertainment canceled the remainder of the Rockettes’ season at Radio City Music Hall earlier this week. Saturday also saw fellow NYC institution Saturday Night Live perform with a limited cast, no audience, and no musical guest after several cast members tested positive for COVID-19.

The post LCD Soundsystem Cancels 3 Remaining Brooklyn Steel Concerts appeared first on L4LM.

Source: L4LM.com