Home Jambase Kikagaku Moyo Details Final Album ‘Kumoyo Island’ & Shares Single

Kikagaku Moyo Details Final Album ‘Kumoyo Island’ & Shares Single


Kikagaku Moyo will issue their final album, Kumoyo Island, on May 6 via their Guruguru Brain label. The psychedelic rock band hailing from Tokyo also shared the single, “Cardboard Pile.”

In January, Kikagaku Moyo announced they would part ways after 2022. Along with the announcement, the band noted they would embark on their last tours as well as release their fifth and final studio album. After announcing the tour, the band now details their last album, Kumoyo Island.

Produced by Kikagaku Moyo, the quintet captured some of the record in their adopted hometown of Amsterdam. But they fittingly came full circle for their final LP returning to Tokyo’s Tsubame Studios where they made some of their earliest recordings a decade ago.

Kumoyo Island is further detailed on Kikagaku Moyo’s Bandcamp:

In many ways Kumoyo Island represents the culmination of a journey for Kikagaku Moyo. While their decade-long career can be summarized as a series of kaleidoscopic explorations through lands and dimensions far and near, there’s a strong intention in each of their works to take the listener to a particular place, however real or abstract they may be. In that sense, the title and cover art for the band’s fifth and final album draws you into a magical mass of land surrounded by water—but the couch suggests that Kumoyo Island may not be a fleeting stop, but rather a place of respite, where one could pause and take it all in.

Kikagaku Moyo previewed Kumoyo Island with the track “Cardboard Pile,” which arrived along with an accompanying visual by Katsushika Shusshin. Watch it below:

Kumoyo Island Tracklist:

  1. Monaka
  2. Dancing Blue
  3. Effe
  4. Meu Mar
  5. Cardboard Pile
  6. Gomugomu
  7. Daydream Soda
  8. Field of Tiger Lillies
  9. Yayoi Iyayoi
  10. Nap Song
  11. Maison Silk Road

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Source: JamBase.com