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WATCH: Aotearoa Pop Artist Georgia Lines Tells the Stories Behind Her New EP ‘Human’


Georgia Lines is excited to give Music Feeds is a preview of her new EP, Human. “I hope you love it as much as I loved making it,” she says.

Human follows Lines’ self-titled debut EP, which came out in March 2020. The Mount Maunganui artist released a handful of standalone singles over the subsequent years of pandemic-induced isolation, including the house music influenced ‘No One Knows’ and the emotionally wrought slow-burner, ‘Call Me By My Name’.

Georgia Lines: ‘Human’ Track By Track

Track one on the EP is ‘Save Me’. “It’s all about that feeling where you’re in a relationship and you’re feeling frustrated with your own emotions and feelings and you’re calling out for help,” Lines says.

Track two, ‘Nothing But Love’, came about during a last-minute writing trip to Australia, where Lines worked with producer Xavier Dunn (Jack River, Arno Faraji). “’Nothing But Love’ is a song about me travelling and being away so much from my husband and feeling the tension of learning to love from a distance,” Lines says.

The EP’s Prince-inspired third track, ‘Faith’, is one of Lines’ absolute favourites. “It is 90s, there is a lot of synth,” she says. “There’s layered vocals, it’s fun – there’s a lot going on and I love it.”

Next up is ‘Moon Soda’, a duet with New Zealand vocalist Alex James. It’s the first duet Lines has recorded. “I love that it’s a duet,” she says. “I love that there’s a conversation happening musically.”

The final song on Human is ‘Leave Behind’, a particularly emotional song for Lines. “It is all about losing my poppa, my grandfather, two years ago now,” she says. The song is akin to a journal entry. “It’s my grief, my dealing with loss and having to navigate all of those feelings and emotions.”

Georgia Lines – ‘Leave Behind’

Human is out on Friday, 29th July.

Further Reading

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PREMIERE: Beddy Rays Perform Searing Live Version Of ‘Sort It Out’

The post WATCH: Aotearoa Pop Artist Georgia Lines Tells the Stories Behind Her New EP ‘Human’ appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au