Home New England & Tri-State Music Meet You at The Catskill Jubilee

Meet You at The Catskill Jubilee


The second ever Catskill Jubilee took place this past weekend. Nestled within the Catskill Mountains at the Blackthorne Resort, the festival provided a great mix of nature and comfort. There was a pool with DJs playing throughout the weekend, several stages, including a late night rave hangar, lakes, cabins, even a haunted house!

Aqueous & Friends ft Craig Broadhead at The Hangar Stage

The music was phenomenal throughout the whole weekend. Sit ins included Aqueous & Friends featuring Craig Broadhead, DJ Logic & Friends as well as Star Kitchen featuring James Casey and Natalie Cressman, and DrFameus featuring Glyfiks were the musical sets that stood out to me. Put a saxophone in my face and I’m hooked!

Craig Broadhead

Dark Star Orchestra played four sets over the course of both nights with the first night being a recreation of 6/3/76. Highlights included a “Might As Well” opener, “Lazy Lightning,” “Dancing in the Streets,” and a thumping two-song encore featuring “The Wheel” and “The Golden Road.” The second night proved to be much slower and the “Drums” jam was going nowhere. An incredible “White Rabbit” encore brought life back into the crowd, but not without the sound dropping out for a bit.

Dark Star Orchestra

After the main shebang there was much to do, late night shows were aplenty. Dj Logic with Craig Broadhead, James Casey, & Natalie Cressman was my favorite late night shindig but I also enjoyed Baked Shrimp at 3 a.m.

Marc Brownstein with Natalie Cressman during Star Kitchen

Laura Lee’s gospel set was soul touching and right during that Sunday morning church time. Marc Brownstein made a funny crack about how shorts aren’t showbiz appropriate as he mustered through the hot sun in jeans at the Star Kitchen set.

James Casey sitting in with Star Kitchen

Catskill Jubilee has something going for it; the grounds are really enjoyable. With every event there’s issues and problems that need to be solved but seeing how well it’s done for it’s second year, I think this festival has a bright future ahead. It has a good mix of live and electronic music, activities, chill spots, amenities, and a good crew.

Dark Star Orchestra

This festival proved to be, well… Jubilant!

The post Meet You at The Catskill Jubilee appeared first on NYS Music.

Source: NYSmusic.com