Home Jambase See Weird Al Yankovic Biopic Trailer Featuring Daniel Radcliffe

See Weird Al Yankovic Biopic Trailer Featuring Daniel Radcliffe


A trailer for WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story is out today. Starring Daniel Radcliffe, the biopic on legendary musical parody master “Weird Al” Yankovic is set for release via The Roku Channel on November 4.

Directed by Eric Appel and co-produced by Funny Or Die and Tango, WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story “holds nothing back, exploring every facet of Yankovic’s life, from his meteoric rise to fame with early hits like ‘Eat It’ and ‘Like a Surgeon’ to his torrid celebrity love affairs and famously depraved lifestyle,” as per a press release for the film.

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Playing Weird Al is Daniel Radcliffe, of whom Yankovic said, “I am absolutely thrilled that Daniel Radcliffe will be portraying me in the film. I have no doubt whatsoever that this is the role future generations will remember him for.” The trailer also gives fans a look at Radcliffe’s co-stars Rainn Wilson as Dr. Demento and Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna. Additionally, the clip contains a brief glimpse of Will Ferrell in the film.

Watch the trailer for WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story below:

Source: JamBase.com