Home Jambase Björk Shares ‘Atopos’ Single

Björk Shares ‘Atopos’ Single


Björk released the new single “Atopos” along with a video directed by Viðar Logi. The song is the lead single and opening track from the Icelandic artist’s forthcoming studio album, Fossora, which is due out via One Little Independent Records on September 30.

The 13-track follow-up to 2017’s Utopia includes contributions from Björk’s children Sindri and Ísadóra as well as Indonesian dance duo Gabber Modus Operandi, Serpentwithfeet and others. Björk described Fossora‘s sound in a note announcing the LP as “about bass, heavy bottom-end, we have six bass clarinets and punchy sub.”

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Today, Björk heralded “Atopos” with a statement in which she wrote:

“i am so happy to share with you the first video of my album to the song ‘atopos’

because of the enormous importance of bass in this song , could you please play it loudly ?

dear viðar logi
thanks for all your joyus celebratory energy and for being up for taking on all the challenges i threw at you !!
you transformed all of them into a viðar logi vision , i couldn´t possible have had a better visual partner in the pandemic …. i am so incredibly grateful for our journey , i can´t believe the amount of things we´ve done in the last 3 years !! can´t wait to share it with the world !!

Watch the wild “Atopos” video in which Björk rages in a landscape filled with mushrooms below:

Source: JamBase.com