Home Ideas Work Diary: a Google Assistant marketer in San Francisco

Work Diary: a Google Assistant marketer in San Francisco


In our new Work Diary series, we show you what a day on the job is really like for Googlers with all sorts of roles and interests around the world. In this installment you’ll hear from Seonah, who works on privacy and trust marketing for Google Assistant. Follow along with her day below, and be sure to watch her video diary, too.

Name: Seonah Iverson
Location: San Francisco
Time at Google: 1 year
Job title: Google Assistant Privacy & Trust Product Marketing Lead
What that role actually does: I help make Google Assistant more trusted and safe for the people who use our products.
What’s your favorite part of a typical work day? When I get the chance to hear from real users during research calls – it always inspires me to keep pushing our product to be the best that it can be.

7:15 a.m. → “Hey Google, good morning”

Yes, you guessed it, Google Assistant wakes me up with some alternative R&B playing from my Nest Hub Max Smart Display. I think the first words out of my mouth most mornings are “Hey Google, good morning,” which I set up for my Assistant to tell me the weather forecast, what’s on my calendar and news highlights from my favorite news outlets. I really try not to pull out my phone right away in the morning and dive straight into work emails, and this seriously helps.

8 a.m. → E-bike commute with a view

I work from home two days a week and from the office the rest, I love this flexible schedule. On the days I go into the office, I’m ready to get out of my apartment for a while and connect with my coworkers in person. Google food and coffee doesn’t hurt either. On the mornings I go in, I grab an e-bike in my neighborhood — North Beach — and take the Embarcadero cycling path to the office. The view is so nice (especially when it’s sunny!).

Two photos side-by-side: The first is a hand holding a cup of coffee in front of a window revealing the San Francisco bay and the Bay Bridge; the other is taken from the perspective of someone riding in the bike lane down a street lined with palm trees. On the right of the frame is an icon of a clock that says 8:00 a.m.; on the left there is an icon of a bicycle.

Seonah’s morning consists of an e-bike commute and coffee — both with great views.

8:30 a.m. → Prep for projects focused on protecting user privacy

When I get to the office, I grab an oat milk latte from the Flora Hub coffee bar on the 13th floor and start looking at my emails and calendar for the day. (This spot has the best views of the Bay — you can see all the way to the Bay Bridge.)

I start this part of the workday by taking inventory of my inbox and calendar and making any adjustments I need to — moving meetings or booking conference rooms, things like that. I also make sure I’ve blocked off at least one part of the day for me to go heads-down and get things done on my top projects. I think of this as my mental prep time.

This week, I’m focused on gathering key user insights from research and prepping for a product and messaging review — this helps our product team address top user concerns and explain things in a simple way that makes sense to everyone.

9 a.m. → Down to business!

My meeting blocks tend to start around 9 a.m., so I head to a conference room. For most of the morning, I’m in Google Meet calls with user focus groups to hear from real users on the privacy controls and settings they use most often or would like to better understand.

When I finish up with user research calls, I meet with Assistant product managers, engineers and other teammates located in New York, Atlanta and Mountain View. We talk about the upcoming privacy and safety settings improvements we’re planning to launch and how we can introduce the updates without disrupting our users’ experience — these meetings always spark good ideas and are key to moving projects forward.

12 p.m. → Cafe with teammates, by route of dooglers <3

Around noon I meet up with some of my fellow Assistant marketing teammates and we walk outside to get to the Maritime Social cafe. The best part is passing by the doogler area and seeing the pups playing!

I have a huge sweet tooth, so I always get dessert with lunch, whatever it is.

Two side-by-side photos: The first shows a grassy field, there are dogs and people. Skyscrapers are in the background. The second shows a lunch table where you can see some people in the background and in the foreground are multiple plates and bowls of different kinds of food. On the right side there is a frame with an icon that reads 12:00 p.m.; on the left there is an icon of a plate of food and a salt and pepper shaker.

Seonah’s walk to lunch takes her past fellow Googlers — and a few dooglers.

1 p.m. → Boba and brainstorm

In the afternoon, I grab boba from a nearby cafe and meet up with the Google Asians in Marketing group. We get together in a conference room to talk about creating more representation and inclusion not just at Google, but also in the marketing industry in general. This is a volunteer project that I always enjoy participating in.

2 p.m. → Back into top privacy priorities and checking off tasks

I head to my desk and get back to daily tasks for the next couple of hours. Today, one thing I want to cross off my list is completing some writing and design work that explains the latest updates to Assistant privacy controls that will appear on our website and in our email newsletter to users. Part of this process includes making sure our explainer videos are up to date and translated appropriately for users worldwide.

I usually listen to music when I’m doing this — that’s how I get into a flow mindset and get the most done. I really try to balance meetings with tasks to make each day as productive as possible; I love creating Calendar tasks and crossing them off my list. Sometimes I’ll even retroactively add them and cross them off! The mix of completed tasks and meetings on my calendar is my source of truth to keep me accountable to projects I’m spending time on and if I have room to take on any other stretch projects.

4 p.m. → Ahhhh, a quick chair massage break

When I feel like I need a pick-me-up, I take a break with a chair massage on the second floor, near the gym.

Two side-by-side photos - the first shows Seonah sitting in a chair working t her laptop. The second photo shows a laptop on a desk open to a Google Calendar. There is an illustrated frame featuring a boba tea drink and a clock that reads 4pm.

Seonah finishes up her day and looks at her calendar for tomorrow.

4:30 p.m. → Time for inbox zero

Back to my laptop one last time to finish up daily work and respond to those last few emails. Personally, I subscribe to the inbox zero way of life, so I make sure to check that box before I head out for the day! Oh, and I water my desk plant if it’s looking wilty.

5 p.m. → Barre class and a walk home

Before heading home, I like to take a barre class nearby. Afterward, I’ll walk home and run some errands on the way. I’ll usually listen to my more recent playlist, a current events podcast or call my family. I’m always listening to something if I’m walking around or sitting at my desk; part of my daily attire is a pair of headphones.

7 p.m. → Dinner and a show — or a Korean language lesson

To close out the day it’s either date night, grab dinner with friends or cook at home. Afterwards, I’ll usually watch some TV — or if I want to do something more engaging, I’ll practice my Korean (I just started taking language classes) or practice piano on my keyboard.

Two side-by-side photographs - the first of a Nest Hub sitting on a desk and the second of a person's hands over a keyboard. There is an illustrated frame feature icons of an alarm clock and a stack of books.

Time to relax with some music and get ready for tomorrow.

The last to-do of the day is looking at my Nest Hub Max Smart Display and by using Look and Talk, I ask my Assistant to “set my alarm for 7:15 a.m. tomorrow.”

Source: blog.google