Home Jambase Animal Collective Cites Unsustainable Economic Reality In Canceling European Tour 2022

Animal Collective Cites Unsustainable Economic Reality In Canceling European Tour 2022


Animal Collective called off their upcoming tour of Europe and the UK. The band issued an extremely frank statement in which they revealed the November run was scrapped due to economics, as they could not find a way to make the excursion potentially profitable.

“From inflation, to currency devaluation, to bloated shipping and transportation costs, and much much more, we simply could not make a budget for this tour that did not lose money even if everything went as well as it could,” wrote Animal Collective after noting they “were looking at an economic reality that simply does not work and is not sustainable.”

“We have always been the kind of people to persevere through the difficult times and get on stage unless our health prevented it,” added the band. “We are choosing not to take the risk to our mental and physical health with the economic reality of what that tour would have been.”

Animal Collective was supposed to be on the road from November 2 – 27. Refunds are available via the point of purchase.


Source: JamBase.com