Home Jambase TAUK & Kanika Moore Unveil Stunning Björk Tribute ‘Army Of Me’

TAUK & Kanika Moore Unveil Stunning Björk Tribute ‘Army Of Me’


TAUK and Kanika Moore (Doom Flamingo) shared a cover of Björk‘s “Army of Me.” The track and accompanying video arrive in anticipation of the instrumental band and vocalist’s collaborative TAUK Moore Tour.

Björk’s classic “Army of Me” originally appears on the iconic Icelandic artist’s 1995 album, Post. TAUK began covering the song in an instrumental format last fall.

“I’ve been a huge fan of Bjork for a long time and always wanted to see what TAUK could do with one of her songs,” guitarist Matt Jalbert noted. “The bass line is so badass and the perfect jumping off point for us to do our thing. Kanika’s approach to the song is incredible. It’s a haunting, dissonant melody, and she brings so much power to it.”

TAUK keyboardist Alric Carter spoke more about the collaboration with Kanika:

“As an instrumental band, it has always been fun finding covers to play that resonate not only with our sound, but with our audience. Our originals don’t have lyrics so traditionally we strive to find songs with strong recognizable melodies to help bring the listeners deeper into our world. Working with Kanika naturally expands our melodic reach and opens up a myriad of possibilities. Exploring these possibilities has been super exciting over this past year.”

TAUK reconvened with video collaborator Dani Barberi — who worked on the band’s “Moon Dub” and “The Let Out” visuals — to shoot the “Army Of Me” video with Kanika. Arriving in black and white, the visual has a film noir vibe. Moore delivers a stunning performance synergizing with TAUK’s gritty interpretation of the Björk classic.

Watch TAUK and Kanika Moore’s “Army Of Me” video below:

Fans can expect to hear “Army Of Me” and much more on the upcoming TAUK Moore Tour, which kicks off on October 20. Check out the itinerary and ticket info below:

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Source: JamBase.com