Home Jambase Giving Tuesday: Goose Fans Launch New Nonprofit Organization Western Sun Foundation

Giving Tuesday: Goose Fans Launch New Nonprofit Organization Western Sun Foundation


Goose fans launched a new non-profit, Western Sun Foundation (WSF), today (Giving Tuesday) “to bring awareness and funds to small organizations in the communities that Goose is touring through,” as per a press release. The first project from WSF is an interactive website, GooseCommunity.com.

WSF focuses on philanthropic endeavors around “music therapy, music education, the wellbeing of women and children, and environment sustainability.” With Goose fresh off their tour with Trey Anastasio Band and looking forward to Goosemas in Colorado as well as their New Year’s run in Cincinnati, organizers of WSF wanted to take this watershed moment to get the nonprofit up and running.

“We have been working on this project for quite a few months and we thought there was no better time than now to introduce it to the scene,” president of Western Sun Foundation Sarah Blazincic stated. “There is such incredible energy around this community and we wanted to harness it and give back to communities that we pass through. Oftentimes passionate groups like ours want to make a difference, but don’t know where to start. We hope this will make it easy for fans to make an impact while grooving along.”

“I am so proud when I see members of our community making such a strong positive impact,” Goose’s Peter Anspach added. “I can’t wait to get involved!”

WSF’s first project, GooseCommunity.com, is “an interactive virtual space for fans to explore, engage and connect, all in support of WSF’s philanthropic efforts,” press materials noted. “Currently it is composed of show diaries, recent articles, setlists, photography, and an interactive portion, where registered users can log memories and photos from the shows they attend.”

WSF also noted that their next project will be to feature Cincinnati-based organization, Peaslee Neighborhood Center, around Goose’s 2022 New Year’s run.

Source: JamBase.com