Home Jambase Dave Grohl Busts Out Nirvana-Era Rarity ‘Marigold’ For Letters To Santa Benefit

Dave Grohl Busts Out Nirvana-Era Rarity ‘Marigold’ For Letters To Santa Benefit


Dave Grohl dusted off “Marigold” during a virtual benefit performance for Letters to Santa: The 24 Hour Comedy and Music Marathon. As Consequence noted, “Marigold” is the only song to be released by both Nirvana and Foo Fighters.

First recorded by Grohl’s solo project Late! in 1992, “Marigold” later appeared as the B-Side on Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box.” Foo Fighters released a version of the tune on their 2006 live acoustic album Skin And Bones. Grohl had not performed “Marigold” since 2010.

Dave opened the performance with “Marigold” and also delivered the early FF rarity “New Way Home” and the title track to Skin And Bones. Grohl closed out the performance with Foo classics “Times Like These” and “Everlong.”

Watch Dave Grohl’s Letters To Santa performance of “Marigold” below:


In other Grohl holiday news, Dave and collaborator Greg Kurstin have been rolling out their 2022 “Hanukkah Sessions” performances. Check them out:

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Source: JamBase.com