Home Jambase Watch Beck Team With Dave Grohl & Greg Kurstin For Raucous ‘E-Pro’

Watch Beck Team With Dave Grohl & Greg Kurstin For Raucous ‘E-Pro’


Beck, whose maternal grandmother was Jewish and stated in a 2008 interview he considers himself Jewish, stars in the latest installment of Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl and producer/keyboardist Greg Kurstin‘s The Hanukkah Sessions video series. The 52-year-old musician leads the pair and others through his own “E-Pro” in the clip released to celebrate the fifth night of Hanukkah.

“It’s a little known fact that our favorite Grammy-winning Guero actually has Jewish roots,” noted a caption for the video. “From Adonai to Odelay, it’s Beck with ‘E-Pro!’” The performance took place at Largo in Los Angeles on December 5 at a concert where each of this year’s “Hanukkah Sessions” videos were filmed. Grohl and Kurstin began “The Hanukkah Sessions” in 2020 to honor Jewish artists and celebrate the holiday. While the first two editions were captured in the studio, the pair and an impressive cast of collaborators brought “The Hanukkah Sessions” to the stage this year.

Beck played guitar and sang the opening cut from his 2005 LP Guero at Largo. Grohl and Kurstin took their usual positions behind the drums and keyboards respectively. Greg Kurstin’s The Bird and the Bee partner Inara George and two youngsters provided backing vocals. Still to come are performances featuring Karen O, Jack Black and Kyle Gass.

Watch Beck deliver “E-Pro” at Largo for the 2022 “Hanukkah Sessions” below:

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Foo Fighters

(See 12 videos)


(See 51 videos)


Dave Grohl

(See 17 videos)


Greg Kurstin

(See 4 videos)

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Source: JamBase.com