Home Jambase Animal Collective’s Avey Tare Releases 4th Full-Length Solo Album ‘7s’

Animal Collective’s Avey Tare Releases 4th Full-Length Solo Album ‘7s’


Out today from Animal Collective member Avey Tare (Dave Portner) is 7s, a seven-track solo album issued by Domino. Tare’s fourth solo album and first since 2019’s Cows On Hourglass Pond was written and recorded during the peak of the pandemic to give Avey a much-needed creative release.

Avey Tare penned the bulk of the material featured on 7s in the fall of 2020 while isolated at his home in the woods on the eastern edge of Asheville, North Carolina. Tare spent 12 hours a day prepping skeletal demos after finishing work on Animal Collective’s Time Skiffs LP. The following January he started making regular trips to his pal Adam McDaniel’s Drop of Sun Studios in the heart of Asheville to turn the demos into a fully-fleshed out album of his own.

“These songs are like overstuffed jelly jars, cracking so that the sweetness oozes out into unexpected shapes,” noted press materials heralding 7s’ release. “Still, the sweetness—that is, Avey’s compulsory hooks—remains at the center, the joy inside these Rorschach blots. If Animal Collective has forever been defined by its charming inscrutability, Avey surrenders to a new intimacy and candor with 7s.”

Portner will bring 7s on the road for a rare solo tour this spring. Stream the album below:


Source: JamBase.com