Home Jambase The Wood Brothers Share Spirited New Single ‘Pilgrim’

The Wood Brothers Share Spirited New Single ‘Pilgrim’

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wood brothers press 2023 1200x675 1

Americana trio The Wood Brothers are gearing up to release Heart Is The Hero, a new studio album set to arrive via Honey Jar/Thirty Tigers on April 14. Out today is the forthcoming record’s lead single and opening track, “Pilgrim.”

The band consisting of guitarist Oliver Wood, bassist Chris Wood and percussionist Jano Rix went the old school route for their eighth studio album by recording Heart Is The Hero‘s 10 tracks completely analog to 16-track tape. Oliver, Chris and their “honorary sibling” aimed to recreate the energy of their live concerts at The Studio Nashville by using a “less is more” process. The follow-up to 2020’s Kingdom In My Mind was co-produced by Brook Sutton and The Wood Brothers. Sutton also engineered the sessions.

“Pilgrim” is a rollicking number that reminds listeners to live in the moment. “A song like ‘Pilgrim’ is all about slowing down and paying attention,” noted Oliver Wood. “I’d heard somebody compare being a pilgrim to being a tourist. If you’re a tourist, you’re just distracted and partying. It’s a different intention than a pilgrim. A pilgrim, the way I think about it, is somebody on a spiritual mission, smelling every flower on the path and really letting your soul catch up with you. It’s that ‘being still’ thing and trying to be present. It’ll get you further in terms of being happy then hauling ass, swiping, scrolling and consuming all of the time.”

Stream The Wood Brothers’ “Pilgrim” single below:

The Wood Brothers have a busy spring and summer of touring ahead. Shovels & Rope will support the three-piece on a 20-date trek through the Midwest and Northeast this May and June. Scroll below for a full list of dates.

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More The Wood Brothers News
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Source: JamBase.com