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Hear Sports Podcaster Ryen Russillo Discuss A Life-Changing Col. Bruce Hampton & Aquarium Rescue Unit Show


Acclaimed journalist Ryen Russillo devoted a segment on the latest episode of his popular The Ryen Russillo Podcast show to discussing jam bands. Russillo revealed his favorite jam band experience was attending a Col. Bruce Hampton and The Aquarium Rescue Unit concert with Strangefolk drummer Luke Miller at Club Toast in Burlington, Vermont in the 1990s while attending the University of Vermont. “It changed me man,” Russillo said about the night. “They ripped!”

The conversation came in response to a portion of the “Life Advice” segment on the previous episode posted on Tuesday, February 28 in which jam bands were discussed. Russillo took a question from a five-time Ironman finisher who also plays guitar in a Grateful Dead cover band. Ryen noted he’s been trying to “get into Goose a little bit” upon suggestions from friends. Producer Steve Ceruti then weighed in and explained he doesn’t like the music of the Grateful Dead and jam acts in general.

Fast forward to the episode posted yesterday, Thursday, March 2 when Russillo, Ceruti and producer Kyle Crichton spent nearly 20 minutes talking about jam bands. “People got real pissed at you guys for not being locked into the jam band scene,” the host said to Ceruti and Crichton. The three personalities then dove into what defines a jam band. Russillo revealed Widespread Panic is currently his favorite jam act but that he was big into Phish for a while. He recalled attending Phish’s April 4, 1994 concert at Burlington’s Flynn Theatre. “It was one of the greatest days ever,” Ryen said of the night.

Talk eventually turned to Russillo’s experience seeing Col. Bruce and ARU at Club Toast. Ryen was pledging a fraternity at the time and was “kidnapped” by his brothers as part of his hazing. Luke Miller, who was a senior while Russillo was a freshman, stopped by the house where Ryen was “held” and asked if the youngster wanted to come with him to Toast on the snowy Friday night in Burlington. The problem was Ryen was “kidnapped” and wasn’t supposed to leave. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell,” Smith told Russillo and helped get the underage Ryen into the concert.

“It was incredible. It was this massive snowstorm, their drummer (Jeff “Apt. Q-258” Sipe) didn’t show up. They had to find a drummer in town last-minute,” Russillo explained. He spoke about how talented the members of the band were including bassist Oteil Burbridge and guitarist Jimmy Herring. “Nobody showed up to this show because again it was one of these classic snowstorm deals in Burlington where people could get in,” the host added before declaring how the performance changed him. Considering Russillo graduated UVM in 1997, it appears likely the ARU show in reference took place either in the fall of 1993 or spring of 1994.

“They didn’t give a shit no one was there,” Russillo remembered. “They went off!” Ryen noted Luke Smith turned to him and said “I hope you realize the level of musicians that you’re seeing here.” Russillo asked Smith why he didn’t offer to perform with the band. “That’s such a you comment after only knowing me a couple of weeks,” Luke responded as per Ryen. “You wouldn’t just ask to sit in with these dudes … idiot.” Russillo snuck back into the basement and his fraternity brothers never found out he left. The host and his producers spent the next few minutes returning to the “what is the definition of a jam band” discussion.

Stream Thursday’s episode below with the jam band conversation starting around the 1:01:23 mark:


Source: JamBase.com