Home Jambase Neighbor Plants Resilient ‘Mighty Apple Tree’ Single

Neighbor Plants Resilient ‘Mighty Apple Tree’ Single

neighbor press february 2022 cooling 1200x675 1
neighbor press february 2022 cooling 1200x675 1

Boston-based Neighbor released the single, “Mighty Apple Tree.” The track comes from the band’s self-titled debut album, which will arrive on June 2 via Ineffable Records.

Keyboardist Richard James, drummer Dean Johnston, bassist Dan Kelly and guitarist Lyle Brewer recorded Neighbor at Ghost Hit Recording in Springfield, Massachusetts, with additional sessions held at Dimension Sound in their hometown of Boston. Co-produced by the band and Matt Wayne, the 12-song set includes previously shared singles “Take Me Alive,” “Lonely Rider,” “Isla” and “Don’t You Cry”.

James detailed the sound and lyrical content of “Might Apple Tree,” explaining:

“Sonically, we had fun exploring the music for ‘Mighty Apple Tree.’ It’s one of the band’s staple original songs; however, even for fans who have heard it hundreds of times, there will be something new for them to enjoy.

“‘Mighty Apple Tree’ is about keeping your head up, about knowing you’re not alone. Knowing that, no matter what you’re going through or what difficult situations you face, there is always someone who will have your back. As if you’re on an island, and you’re all by yourself, the universe will work to pull everything together for you. The song helps us understand that the going is always going to be tough, but when tough situations arise, you’ll always have someone or something to lean on. That is what the ‘Mighty Apple Tree’ is, the person or thing in your life you can always depend on.”

Neighbor will host a hometown album release party tonight, Friday, May 19 at The Wilbur in Boston in advance of the album’s official release on June 2. A staple of Neighbor’s live performances since 2019, “Mighty Apple Tree” from the band’s upcoming debut album, can be streamed below:

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Neighbor Coverage
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Source: JamBase.com