Home Jambase Watch Spafford Dig Into 13-Minute ‘Soil’ In Omaha

Watch Spafford Dig Into 13-Minute ‘Soil’ In Omaha

spafford brian moss september 2023 smith 1200x675 1
spafford brian moss september 2023 smith 1200x675 1

Spafford shared pro-shot video of a 13-minute excursion on their original “Soil.” The performance closed out the quartet’s first set at The Waiting Room in Omaha, Nebraska on September 12.

Spaff opened their first frame with a pairing of originals “Broken Wing” and “Windmill.” The band then offered a cover of The Cure’s “Love Song” ahead of OG “Lovesick Melody,” which led into the “Soil” set closer.

Spafford debuted “Soil” on New Year’s Eve 2017 at Phoenix’s Crescent Ballroom in their home state of Arizona, as per Spaffnerds. The song has remained a steady staple for the quartet with Omaha’s performance marking the 86th play.

“Soil” kicks off with a jazzy flavor before taking a rocking turn with raucous drumming from Nick Tkachyk. While the lyrics are few, bassist Jordan Fairless makes the most out them with a powerful vocal performance. The jam begins with a vibey sequence which evolves into a funk fest laced with clavinet from newest member keyboardist Cory Schechtman. A final blast off from guitarist Brian Moss brings “Soil” from its peak back to the ground.

Watch Spafford dig into “Soil” in Omaha below:

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(See 6 videos)


(See 60 videos)

Set two in Omaha saw Spaff opening with new tune “Shelter In Place” which led into the resurging rarity “Made For Wesley” by gypsy jazz guitarist ​​Jimmy Rosenberg. A coupling of “Doghouse” and “Part II” came next ahead of second set closer “America.” The quartet returned to encore with “The Reprise.”

Spafford is in the midst of an extensive fall tour. Check out their itinerary below:

Setlist (via Spaffnerds)

Set 1: Broken Wing > Windmill, Love Song [1], Lovesick Melody > Soil

Set 2: Shelter In Place > Made For Wesley [2], Doghouse > Part ii, America

Encore: The Reprise


[1]: The Cure

[2]: Jimmy Rosenberg Trio

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More Spafford News
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Source: JamBase.com