Home Jambase King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Share 3 Songs Off Upcoming New...

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Share 3 Songs Off Upcoming New Album

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King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard shared the first three songs off their upcoming album, The Silver Cord. The band will release the full album – their 25th in 11 years – on October 27.

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard embraced electronic music when recording The Silver Cord. The process was inspired in part by drummer Michael “Cavs” Cavanagh purchasing a retro 1980s Simmons electronic drum kit.

“The Simmons kit is really sick, actually,” said guitarist Stu Mackenzie. “It has this little ‘electronic’ brain all the drum-pads plug into, and while the sounds it can make are pretty rudimentary, we soon decided we wanted to commit to it as the drum sound for this next record. We set Cavs’ Simmons kit up in the centre of the room, and then dragged every synth we had in the practice space or lying about our houses into the studio, and plugged everything in. It was chaotic. It was probably the coolest our studio has ever looked, to be honest.”

Born out of an improvisational approach to recording, the album begins with “Theia,” followed by the title track and “Set.” Rounding out the album are “Chang’e,” “Gilgamesh,” “Swan Song” and “Extinction.” None of the songs have been performed live. As previously noted, KGLW prepared two versions of The Silver Cord, a standard edition and expanded edition featuring extended mixes of the album’s seven tracks.

The band previously called The Silver Cord and their 2022 album PetroDragonic Apocalypse “a yin and yang thang.” Mackenzie further explained the two different versions of the pending album, as well as their infusion of electronic music, stating:

“The first version’s really condensed, trimming all the fat. And on the second version, that first song, ‘Theia,’ is 20 minutes long. It’s the ‘everything’ version – those seven songs you’ve already heard on the first version, but with a whole lot of other shit we record while making it. It’s for the Gizz-heads. I love Donna Summer’s records with Giorgio Moroder, and I’d never listen to the short versions now – I’m one of those people who wants to hear the whole thing. We’re testing the boundaries of people’s attention spans when it comes to listening to music, perhaps – but I’m heavily interested in destroying such concepts.

“We come at electronic music from an amateur angle. I play the Juno synthesizer like a guitar, I don’t really know how to play it. But I wanted to be at peace with being the rock band pretending to know how to use modular synthesizers. We’re in uncharted waters, we’re further out to sea, but leaning into it, and we got to a spot where we were really happy with what came out.

“It’s liberating to terrify yourself. I really believe in that as a philosophy. It’s always been part of our DNA. It’s something we’ve always done, putting ourselves in a position where the cortisol kicks in, pushing ourselves off the bridge and forcing ourselves to swim. Maybe we’ve got the thrill-seeker gene in us or something. It’s definitely my idea of fun.”

“Theia / The Silver Cord / Set” arrived with an accompanying video, watch below:

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Source: JamBase.com