Home Jambase moe. Dusts Off ‘Hi And Lo’ + Welcomes Andy Frasco & Shawn...

moe. Dusts Off ‘Hi And Lo’ + Welcomes Andy Frasco & Shawn Eckels In Denver

moe rob derhak live fall 2023 1200x675 1
moe rob derhak live fall 2023 1200x675 1

moe. kicked off a two-night stand at Denver’s Ogden Theater on Friday with a show featuring their first performance of “Hi And Lo” since Chuck Garvey survived a stroke on November 2021. The band went on to end the night by performing a pair of classic rock covers with Andy Frasco & The U.N. frontman Andy Frasco and guitarist Shawn Eckels.

The sextet opened the night with a “Crab Eyes” song sandwich featuring “Yellow Tigers” and “Threw It All Away” as the filling. An expansive “Blue Jeans Pizza” then led into the fourth performance of recently-debuted original “Tomorrow Is Another Day.” The latter bled into the instrumental “Wormwood,” which gave away to “Okayalright” ahead of a set-closing “Bring You Down.”

Chuck Garvey stepped up to the mic to get Friday’s second set underway with “Hi And Lo.” The Garvey-penned number off 1998’s Tin Cans & Car Tires was last played on October 22, 2001 — a span of 110 shows. “Hi And Lo” joins “Shoot First” and “Four” as the Chuck-sung songs to return to live action since Garvey suffered the stroke.

The ensuing “Big World” came out of a spacey jam to complete a double dose of Tin Cans & Car Tires cuts. Garvey, guitarist Al Schnier, keyboardist Nate Wilson, bassist Rob Derhak, drummer Vinnie Amico and percussionist Jim Loughlin then delivered fan-favorites “Ricky Marten” and “Lazarus.” A huge surprise followed as moe. busted out “Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt. I” for the first time since October 14, 2021. Nate Wilson utilized a keytar for the rare Flaming Lips cover. From there moe. treated fans to a +20-minute “Recreational Chemistry” to bring Friday’s second set to a close.

The band started the three-song encore with a well-jammed “Water.” Al Schnier then welcomed Andy Frasco and Shawn Eckels to the stage. Frasco, Eckels and Schnier shared vocal duties on The Band’s “Ophelia.” Shawn Eckels threw in an explosive guitar solo while Andy Frasco played keys alongside Nate Wilson. “I fucking love moe., give it up for moe.!,” Frasco exclaimed following the first of two covers. The pair stuck around for the evening’s finale, a take on Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song.”

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Setlist (via Phantasy Tour)

Set One: Crab Eyes > Yellow Tigers > Threw It All Away > Crab Eyes, Blue Jeans Pizza, Tomorrow Is Another Day > Wormwood > Okayalright, Bring You Down

Set One: Hi & Lo [1] > Big World > Ricky Marten > Lazarus, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt. I [2], Recreational Chemistry

Encore: Water, Ophelia [3], Immigrant Song [4]

  • [1] – Chuck on vocals. 1st time played since Chuck’s stroke.
  • [2] – Nate on keytar.
  • [3] – With Andy Frasco on keys and vocals and Shawn Eckels on guitar and vocals.
  • [4] – With Andy Frasco on keys and Shawn Eckels on guitar.

Source: JamBase.com