Home Jambase Watch Dave Matthews Band Perform A Rare Fan Favorite At 2019 Connecticut...

Watch Dave Matthews Band Perform A Rare Fan Favorite At 2019 Connecticut Concert

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dave matthews tim reynolds farmaid 2023 1200x675 1

Dave Matthews Band fittingly shared video of rarity “Halloween” today. Dave Matthews and company delivered the fan favorite on June 22, 2019 at Xfinity Theatre in Hartford, Connecticut.

The Hartford “Halloween” closed DMB’s 41st concert at Xfinity Theatre, which appropriately opened with “#41.” “Halloween” is the sixth track on Dave Matthews Band’s 1998 album, Before These Crowded Streets, but debuted, fittingly, on Halloween 1992 in the band’s hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia, as per DMBAlmanac.

“Halloween” remained in heavy rotation until 1995 when plays began to taper off. The song saw a resurgence in 1998 when Before These Crowded Streets came out but faded once again after 2002. The song experienced yet another renaissance between 2008 and 2016 before returning to rarity status.

DMB performed the Before These Crowded Streets cut three times in 2019, among them the Hartford “Halloween.” Watch below:

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Dave Matthews Band

(See 209 videos)

Dave Matthews Band

(See 1,043 videos)

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Source: JamBase.com