Home Jambase Watch The Disco Biscuits Perform Adventurous ‘Mindless Dribble’ At Biscoland

Watch The Disco Biscuits Perform Adventurous ‘Mindless Dribble’ At Biscoland

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disco biscuits biscoland 2023 gracer 1200x675 1

The Disco Biscuits held their inaugural Biscoland festival at Wonderland Forest in Lafayette, New York last weekend. The band shared pro-shot video of a massive “Mindless Dribble” from the second of two performances at the fest.

“Mindless Dribble” is vintage tDB. Bisco debuted the song in 1998 and have performed it 280 times, as per Phantasy Tour. The song kicked off the second frame at Biscoland on October 7 prefacing a classic-filled second set that also saw inverted versions of “Confrontation” as well as “And The Ladies Were The Rest Of The Night” before closing with “Spacebirdmatingcall.”

“Mindless Dribble” set the tone for the seamless set. The quartet — bassist Marc Brownstein, guitarist Jon “Barber” Gutwillig, keyboardist Aron Magner and drummer Allen Aucoin — took “Dribble” deep at Biscoland. The jamtronica pioneers stretched the Barber tune out to 38 minutes, cycling through a number of different jams.

Watch Bisco go big on “Mindless Dribble” below:

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The Disco Biscuits

(See 199 videos)

The Disco Biscuits

(See 300 videos)

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More Biscoland
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Source: JamBase.com